Monday, March 1, 2010

Brew that grew....

Brew...the word sounds interesting, the sound of it simply!

So, whats brewing? Well, a lot of stuff is happening in my head. There is a lot of things brewing in my mind and they are kinda growing...urghh...

Wish I had loads of time to download...err draft what all my mind has been brewing. I get these sudden urges to jot down my thoughts, nice ideas, intense feelings, all oozing out of me and ready to pour out .....

Umm...there are a lot of things I wish to publish....I surely want to see them published, in front of my eyes, in front of your eyes and its just that its just not time yet...Waiting for the right time. My thoughts are ripening within me...

I am brimming with ideas, my mind brewing my thoughts.....

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