Today is 2 October and I write a tribute. Its not for the
'bapu' but a 'dadu'!
That was a deal: you get a testimonial and you write me a eulogy. I did not take it seriously. Testimonial happened nevertheless. Then it was repeated again: you get a blog dedicated to you and you write me a eulogy. Blog came, all sunshine and all that. I still brushed off the idea of eulogy with my regular charming smile! Awesome!
Then one day I was reminded of my debt. I paused and retorted back, what? In no mood to get swept by another emotional trip I was rather rude and harsh. That’s something which comes very naturally to me…it’s bitter-sweet truth about me! Lovely!
Then I was told ‘in
bold and
underline’ that the demand was genuine and he wanted it before he really ‘needs’ it. Well, to tell you the truth I brushed aside the demand in my mind even though I did not speak my mind that evening,
you see, I was busy! I was paying attention on my presentation…oh-so important is the plight of rape victims.
And it was off and away from my mind or scheme of things until this morning when I read about the death of a rhinoceros (
I’m really sad, I feel like losing my family member!) and I was reminded of that eulogy stuff again. So, you know whom to thank for this one: you may want to thank the reporter who published it or the chap who decided to send this particular edition to my room and then thank heavens that I had time to browse before dashing off all bright and bleary eyed! Oh-so HOT!
Well, coming back to eulogy: I have never done this and no one has ever asked me to do this. Though I remember a request for playing a particular tune when funeral time comes which is no more in my scheme of things and the task had fallen on another shoulder. Whatever…
I am no writer and have no magic with my words though listening to
‘its only words’ brings tears in my eyes…did not you say, grievous eyes? I thought they are beautiful?
Hope I do justice to the job for which I am the chosen one (I am saying a silent prayer…hope your mum does not read this one!)
My deepest feeling tells he is a good soul. I have first met him more than twenty sunny years ago, the day I begun my classes in that new school in New Delhi and that was it, only that much. ‘Dadu’ to all: a class mate; little shy, introverted and definitely he preferred keeping his own group of friends. So, at the end of our school-years we only knew each other from distance. I know people did keep me at distance; there was a lot of awe or woes! Nevertheless, I was aware about his participation in school activities and I am sure he knew about what all I did to make news as that was easy! There was an instance where he did land up at my place with some other friends just as when we finished school and all set to face the big bad world and there we lost each other.
Call it a surprise or miracle we found each other after 14 years through a common e-forum. It was our school again: our common point.
Is this what you read on eulogy? No? Well, then you hunted a wrong head for the job!A friend who shares some of your passions: traveling and trekking and then we found another common passion for photography. O’ how can I forget our exchanges on cooking tips? He gives words to what I think in my mind and cant express; he becomes my dictionary when some idiot makes me stumble with words; he inspires me for maintaining my blog; he is a comfort when life suddenly makes you feel its all thorns and roses were fake; he makes me read male psyche and at the same time make me go ahead on the ‘knotty’ road and tells me the difference between a feminist and a rebel and suffers silently when people poke their dirty noses on his personal life and push him to choose a path which he does not have an inclination to tread. And then he confuses me on things which are oh-so personal!
My friend, I can understand you, at least I try to. Understanding a human is a complex affair and I aint any specialist. I don’t know whether I really follow what you write and say but I try to.
And now things look so different: ‘dadu’ is a dude; we have a gang of common friends; our locations are at stone’s throw distance and then I have to keep tab of the time when he would need a eulogy….what a job! Dude, I have never taken any assignment without a contract….you get me?
Its time I thank the great lord for getting me a friend in life when I needed one. Thanks dude for being there. Thanks for the gift of two weeks for life would have been very different without you. Now I know I am HIS chosen one, HE likes to see my smiling face when people are hell-bent for a sob-story on display! Sweetness!
Tell me, in this world can a man and a woman only be friends, when both are single and ready to mingle? Ummm, that’s the question everyone is shooting and I am badly wounded…:
show me the meaning of being …err thats a song..oops..which is the way to emergency, I need first aid fast? Fallen head on…too much of vodka, you see…hic hic!
Just let me know how much time do I get at the funeral for my eulogy? That’s rude? Well…wake up…it’s not the time yet. Follow me? Stand there and bask in the Sun as long as it shines, go grab your moment under the Sun, so said Solna!
Are you laughing here? Good for me, I like the way you laugh! Ummmm…
Eulogy which is not one…..thank you and no thank you!