This should have been Solna’s first blog, the numero uno from her stable but the way things flowed she did soak up the issue and kept it all tucked up in her mind! But the stain remained in her thoughts. And that was enough to remind her about it all over again…and she is at it again. Call it a Period!
Well, that’s not to our very familiar 'fullstop' but the menstrual cycle all fertile (sic) females undergo regularly, monotonously, naturally, obediently, cyclically..phew! Damn, its that common term we use to refer the phenomenon, Period!
I would be dishonest if I don’t mention a blog and that discussion with the blogger which gave me a mental-shake the other day which made me think about it more vigorously than the shake even!
That was the time when I was contemplating on starting my own blog, that was the time I was stranded in the center of middle of no-where, that was the time I wanted a pair of ear to vent out my thoughts, that was the time when I wanted to undertake a journey to a place oh-so romantic and that was the time when my mind was fertile and thoughts were ripe and aplenty. And then came my moment of turbulence on that gloomy morning at the banks of Narbada.
I have a rebel in me. I have never bowed down to mundane traditions or superstitions without my share of reasoning but this is one such issue which makes me say, “I am down but not out yet”! Well, the ghost of this superstition has remained with me and revisits me from time to time to make me get those ‘doubtful’ moments, shall I or shall not I?
A woman is rendered ‘polluting’ during this period and she is forbidden from many of day-to-day activities (since I am not intending anything academic here I restrain myself from going in details as things are changing and this itself is a matter of debate and there are cultural variations). Well, to bring the point home: a menstruating woman is different from a non-menstruating woman. And whether a woman is menstruating is privy to herself or some of her close female (mostly) relatives. So, the decision to enter a shrine and paying reverence to the almighty is completely at the discretion of the ‘polluting’ individual when she declares herself one.
It is where Solna stood at the banks of Narbada as the clouds in her mind and the ghost of the superstition fought a gloomy battle for her to see no sign or indication. And she stood there at the banks of Narbada. And the superstition remained and so did the stain.
But at last the thoughts are released and the blog happened. The first cut which took time to release, to see the light of the day. Its Sunshine time in Solna’s mind. And she hums a song which says…"The First Cut Is the Deepest"..well....
Well, that’s not to our very familiar 'fullstop' but the menstrual cycle all fertile (sic) females undergo regularly, monotonously, naturally, obediently, cyclically..phew! Damn, its that common term we use to refer the phenomenon, Period!
I would be dishonest if I don’t mention a blog and that discussion with the blogger which gave me a mental-shake the other day which made me think about it more vigorously than the shake even!
That was the time when I was contemplating on starting my own blog, that was the time I was stranded in the center of middle of no-where, that was the time I wanted a pair of ear to vent out my thoughts, that was the time when I wanted to undertake a journey to a place oh-so romantic and that was the time when my mind was fertile and thoughts were ripe and aplenty. And then came my moment of turbulence on that gloomy morning at the banks of Narbada.
I have a rebel in me. I have never bowed down to mundane traditions or superstitions without my share of reasoning but this is one such issue which makes me say, “I am down but not out yet”! Well, the ghost of this superstition has remained with me and revisits me from time to time to make me get those ‘doubtful’ moments, shall I or shall not I?
A woman is rendered ‘polluting’ during this period and she is forbidden from many of day-to-day activities (since I am not intending anything academic here I restrain myself from going in details as things are changing and this itself is a matter of debate and there are cultural variations). Well, to bring the point home: a menstruating woman is different from a non-menstruating woman. And whether a woman is menstruating is privy to herself or some of her close female (mostly) relatives. So, the decision to enter a shrine and paying reverence to the almighty is completely at the discretion of the ‘polluting’ individual when she declares herself one.
It is where Solna stood at the banks of Narbada as the clouds in her mind and the ghost of the superstition fought a gloomy battle for her to see no sign or indication. And she stood there at the banks of Narbada. And the superstition remained and so did the stain.
But at last the thoughts are released and the blog happened. The first cut which took time to release, to see the light of the day. Its Sunshine time in Solna’s mind. And she hums a song which says…"The First Cut Is the Deepest"..well....
And now standing in front of yet another sanctum sanctorum of a goddess who is worshipped for power Solna hears her mind murmuring what happens when SHE gets her period?
True, period has etched a strong impression in her mind.
Well, its Period for now!
hi solna
another great one from you. kudos for talking about this so called "taboo" ...as a child and before i learnt about the full biological reason behind the 'periods' ..the impression that was being created in my mind was that of something terrible happening to the woman..something dirty...why??..the words..or even the non-verbal references and the accompanying discrimination....but i am glad that even then i somehow sensed that it was not right the right way to treat..i rebelled by mixing with the girl relative having the periods..eating from her plate..sitting next to her...what surprised and angered me was that the discrimination was being meted out by women themselves...
Talking about it not enough for any superstition to lose its place moreso when its colored with socio-religious hues. And rebelling is not enough to do away with such practices which are known for ages. Do we really have courage to enter a shrine when menstruating and admit it....Its a long road when we could be even ready to challenge it.
i agree with you solna that talking about it is not enough..but when something is considered a 'chi chi' thing to even talk about..then talking about it can be a good start in itself...its a long road..and a long journey..but all journeys begin with a small step...when many more voices join yours..there will be chorus...a symphony..a resonance..a butterfly effect.....
Hey Suds,
Well, I like to mix a bit of 'reality' in your effort of composing symphony. Though in our times religious sanctions or for that matter social-cultural norms are losing their meaning; wish all could feel and think the way we are discussing here...shhhh... talking about taboos, here! :-)
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