Looks like mustard seeds under my feet had started to roll again…whoosh..and I am on the roll again! Wow, I like the feeling, moving on the fast lane, going atop thousand miles and being there where you want to. It’s a heady feeling to have those gusts of wind on your face, wind playing with your locks; I like that look, my unruly locks!
‘Payer tolaye shorshhe’- this Bengali proverb if translated literally in English would mean mustard seeds underneath your feet. The first time I had heard the phrase as a toddler was when my grandmother, a very accomplished poet/writer on her own right told this to my dad to mention his ‘today here-tomorrow there’ lifestyle with innumerable transfers in and around the country.
Well, I inherited his genes. I am a daddy’s gal, don’t you know?!!
As a child I used to dream to see all the corners of the World, cross all the oceans and travel to all the continents and I look at the list I have in front of me which lists the name of places I have been already and to which all I want to set my feet. I feel HAPPppY! It gives me a sense of achievement, a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment. And the music on my ipod plays: where do you go? And I sing back: I will let you know!
It’s living like a nomad at its peak and I am lovin’ it. That’s how McD lures you....err sales those fatty burgers, not for me, though! Hmmm, I am so hungry and where is my fillet-o-fish???
Ooops, I remembered something…Its party time: Nous avons une partie ce soir; venez-vous?
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