Its a pity how terrorism is taking our lives for ransom. I would like to wish that we all come together and fight this menace. We need to tell 'them' that this has to stop. We need to strengthen our combat system against terrorism along with more public awareness and vigilance. We, as citizens just cant turn back and have that 'business as usual' attitude.
We need to learn from the past. Delhi rocked with serial bomb blasts two months ago and now innocent people are held hostages in hotels in Mumbai. Do we need more examples to learn and fight these?
And if you look into the coverage of Mumbai episode its like war, army is in, special forces are in to comb them out of hotels? Why did we wait to make 'them' so strong? Our lives are not for ransom; we just cannot put more lives on the firing line for 'these' terrorists. Our men in uniform and citizen don't deserve these. Any thought on that?
We need to learn from the past. Delhi rocked with serial bomb blasts two months ago and now innocent people are held hostages in hotels in Mumbai. Do we need more examples to learn and fight these?
And if you look into the coverage of Mumbai episode its like war, army is in, special forces are in to comb them out of hotels? Why did we wait to make 'them' so strong? Our lives are not for ransom; we just cannot put more lives on the firing line for 'these' terrorists. Our men in uniform and citizen don't deserve these. Any thought on that?
hi solna
been long..was caught up with mundane stuff..just caught up with your posts..and looks like lot of water(read posts) has flown under (on this blog)..you are right about terrorism and the impact that it can have on our collective psyche, our daily life, the mundane no longer remains so, the look behind your shoulder, a child's toy looking like a potential bomb..
it has to stop and we have to stop it..i have been thinking and so have been millions of other indians too i am sure..i feel that each of us in our daily lives..have to resolve to discharge our responsibilities in all sincerety to the nation's cause..without being corrupt and encouraging corruption..we dont mind bribing a police wallah, a guard to ignore our faults..but when a terrorist does that..the impact we have seen..but at the base of these two is the same act of corruption...but can we blame the policeman or the guard or whoever? havnt we made him that..havnt we taught him and encouraged him to be like that? i am not even talking about politicians? we elcted them or they got elected bcoz we didnt care enough to vote...and a major section of our population remains disenfranchised in real sense..the fight against terrorsim has to be fought on several fronts..
Hmmm...very true. Sounds like you were seething with anger when you were typing those comments. I am sure we all want to see and have a peaceful society, devoid of terrorism, anti-social elements, corruption. Lets usher the new year with a hope that transparency would prevail and democracy will be strengthened. More power to all the 'like-minded' souls!! :)
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