In between brainstorming on issues of sexual violence around the globe and listening to discourses from Belgrade, Cape Town, Dhaka, Karachi, Melbourne, Nairobi, Pretoria or preparing our presentations from India, I did indulge in my addiction …shhhhh!!!
Call it my love for numbers or statistics or such and that was enough to keep me away from anything pessimistic when mood in the room became gloomy thinking about what happens to a rape victim when she approaches a facility (medical or police or judiciary) for help. I am sure I along with my fellow researchers from all these places would come up with comprehensive models suitable in our regional context even though I did not give all my ‘thinking time’. And why not, it’s a moment of glory and it’s easy to float on the wave of adulation and that’s something I like…It gives you a definite high!
And the statistics tells that India is on the top of the world and I am not only talking about Cricket but two more sports. We are the world champion of T20 when our men in blue (or Dhoni’s devil) made others see only blue or green! And then in Hockey we became the Asian champion on 9 September. As if these were not enough I drag something from end of August (29 August to be specific) when we won the Nehru cup in Football.
Its sunny moment for India and it’s our moment at the top of the world. Ouch….60 is HOT! And then again it’s my September connection or sunny connection that makes me go ga ga in joy. When the weather is just right and when I like the way wind plays with my hair and when everything looks just oh-so perfect...oops...
My bytes on India continues out of the conference room…hope my friend from Serbia is still tuned in, are you? And my ode to September continues….