Its been a long time I had updated my blog and you know why. Umm, I am in travel mode, you see! Yet I am being asked why I am not updating my blogspot. Sir, this one is for you.
I am in New York currently, holidaying, working, multi-tasking (don't ask me for details!). And the latest is that someone snatched my drink. Yes, you read that right; no mistake reading it.
I was in this fashionable restaurant in South of Houseton (SoHo) for a nice dinner with my friend; it was a nice evening after a rainy afternoon and we decided to sit out which is kinda sidewalks. We were excited, first with the food and drinks (especially, with the red wine I got to drink),then obviously with the environment and we were enjoying ourselves. We were talking as usual over a nice spread of food. Someone walks up to me: I look up thinking he is looking for something and before I could gather my friend gives a single and he leaves the scene. We continued.
Then someone dashes towards our table and this time he begs for food. I look up and so does my friend. It was like why these guys are coming to us? And not to other diners?
Well, we again continue with our eating-talking mode. We pretty much were engrossed with ourselves and food. Then again he strikes me (us)!
He walks, err.... almost dashes straight to me and asks if he could have my drink and grabs my drink gulps it down in no time before I could comprehend and hence react. I was like, whoa?
No one budged, no body went running after him; only some surprised faces.
It was such an awkward experience and I never imagined this could happen when you are in a nice place and when you are dining with dozen other diners. I was surprised and asked why was that?
The simple cheeky answer my friend had: you attract attention, don't you?
Well, I hope not.
That was scary and I would love to forget this to remember the nice dinner.